Pink Glam, Golden, Red Queen


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Fill the information make sure you put what colors you would like if you wanted a color change. You should have what you want the middle to say and what name you want on the tail of the pin/ribbon, along with the colors.   Note: Your colors can be less or the same but never greater than the actual pin your choice, same goes for the tail. All my pin tails are 8 inches long for adults and 4inches for kids, if confused on anything feel free to reach out to me first. Example: I will like the Pink Glam, I want the middle to say 72 and the tail name to say Happy Edna Birthday, the colors I will like is light pink, and gold. If you don’t want your age where it says age put what you want it to say and that you will not being putting your age.


Pink Glam, Golden, Red Queen, Red Glam, Black&Blue, Classy


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